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[End of JNS’s license agreement]

Peer review process

Introduction to peer review

Peer review exists to ensure that journals publish good science. This benefits the entire scientific community.

Sometimes scientists find the peer review process intimidating because it can lead to the rejection of their manuscript. Keep in mind that revisions and improvement are part of the publication process and actually help raise the quality of your manuscript.

Peer review is a positive process

Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms the validity of the science reported. Peer reviewers are experts who volunteer their time to help improve the journal manuscripts they review-they offer authors free advice.

Through the peer review process, manuscripts should become:

  • More robust: Peer reviewers may point out gaps in your paper that require more explanation or additional experiments.
  • Easier to read: If parts of your paper are difficult to understand, reviewers can tell you so that you can fix them.
  • More useful: Peer reviewers also consider the importance of your paper to others in your field.

Of course, in addition to offering authors advice, another important purpose of peer review is to make sure that the manuscripts the journal eventually publishes are of high quality. If a journal publishes too many low-quality manuscripts, its reputation and number of readers will decline.

Editorial rejection

Your journal manuscript can be rejected if it:

  • Lacks proper structure
  • Lacks the necessary detail for readers to fully understand the authors' analysis
  • Has no new science
  • Does not clearly explain which parts of the findings are new science, versus what was already known
  • Lacks up-to-date references
  • Contains theories, concepts, or conclusions that are not fully supported by its data, arguments, and information
  • Does not provide enough details about materials and methods to allow other scientists to repeat the experiment
  • Lacks clear descriptions or explanations of:
  • Hypotheses tested
  • The experimental design
  • Sample characteristics and descriptive statistics
  • Describes poor experimental design, or faulty or insufficient statistical analysis
  • Has poor language quality

Publication is a difficult process, and you must be prepared to defend your submission against rejection from both editors and peer reviewers. However, do not be too persistent. Generally, only one letter defending your submission will be accepted for each of the review stages (editorial review and peer review).


When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments:

  • Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers
  • Describe the revisions to your manuscript in your response letter
  • Perform any additional experiments or analyses the reviewers recommend (unless you feel that they would not make your paper better; if this is the case, explain why in your response letter)
  • Provide a polite and scientific rebuttal to any points or comments you disagree with
  • Differentiate between reviewer comments and your responses in your letter
  • Clearly show the major revisions in the text, either with a different color text, by highlighting the changes, or with Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature
  • Return the revised manuscript and response letter within the time period the editor tells you


Reviewer comment: "In your analysis of the data you have chosen to use a somewhat obscure fitting function (regression). In my opinion, a simple Gaussian function would have sufficed. Moreover, the results would be more instructive and easier to compare to previous results."

Response in agreement with the reviewer: "We agree with the reviewer's assessment of the analysis. Our tailored function does make it impossible to fully interpret the data in terms of the prevailing theories. In addition, in its current form, we agree it would be difficult to tell that this measurement constitutes a significant improvement over previously reported values. We have therefore re-analyzed the data using a Gaussian fitting function."

Response disagreeing with the reviewer: "We agree with the reviewer that a simple Gaussian fit would facilitate comparison with the results of other studies. However, our tailored function allows for the analysis of the data in terms of the Smith model [Smith et al, 1998]. We have added two sentences to the paper (page 3, paragraph 2) to explain the use of this function and Smith's model."

Note that in both comments (agreeing and disagreeing) the author is polite and shows respect for the reviewer's opinion. Also, in both circumstances the author makes a change to the manuscript that addresses the reviewer's question.

Remember, the reviewer is probably a highly knowledgeable person. If their suggestion is incorrect, it is likely because they misunderstood your manuscript, indicating that you should make your text clearer.

Use the  Response letter template from  Edanz to make writing your reply easier.

Declaration on ethics and misconduct

The journal

The Journal of New Sciences editorial committee agrees to provide authors and scientific editors with all necessary information concerning the writing, evaluation and editing of articles.

It remains autonomous in terms of its editorial policy, in order to prevent any conflicts of interest, whether they are of a scientific or financial nature.

It undertakes and agrees to improve the scientific quality of the journal, in order to ensure that research findings and information are published related to rural development and sustainable environment management in hot countries.

Academic quality of publications

The Journal of New Sciences guarantees the academic quality of its publications.

It is under the scientific patronage of the Belgian Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (RAOS: www.kaowarsom.be).

Journal of New Sciences has signed an agreement with the Regional Post-Graduate Training School of Integrated Management of Tropical Forests and Lands (ERAIFT: www.eraift-rdc.org).

Articles published in Journal of New Sciences are recognised by the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education for the promotion and advancement of lecturers and researchers (CAMES: www.lecames.org).

The reading committee is composed of members of various Belgian and international institutions.


The principal author is the corresponding author. In order to avoid receiving complaints from co-authors who were not consulted when a manuscript was submitted for editing, each co-author receives a copy of the acknowledgement of receipt. Only co-authors who express their written disagreement will not appear in the final version of the article published in Journal of New Sciences.

When an article is submitted, the author and co-authors certify their contribution to the conduct of tests, interpretation of results or editing of the manuscript.

Manuscripts must be previously unpublished and must not have been simultaneously submitted for publication in another scientific journal.

The instructions for authors are available on the journal's website and updated when required.

The editorial committee evaluates the quality, relevance of the manuscript and plagiarism before appointing scientific editors.

The editorial committee reserves the right to reject any article that fails to meet the journal's requirements.

The editorial office may advise authors on how to improve their manuscripts. If they so wish, it may also put the scientific editors in touch with the authors whose manuscripts they are evaluating.

If an article is rejected or changes are requested, the reasons are sent to the corresponding author.

Authors must propose three internationally renowned scientific editors when the article is submitted.

The selection of one or more scientific editors remains the responsibility of the editorial committee.

Falsification of data and fraud

The Journal of New Sciences reserves the right to obtain information concerning any misconduct by the authors. It may consult project managers or doctoral thesis supervisors, in order to determine whether the appropriate methodology was used during the tests and if the results submitted as part of the manuscript are relevant.

If it is revealed that the author has falsified or provided biased data, Journal of New Sciences will not publish his articles, even if he is the co-author. The journal will ask the author to state the reason for his attempted fraud and reserves the right to take court action against him.

If an article has been published, which contains biased data or errors, an erratum will be published in a subsequent edition, in order to inform the reviewers.


The Journal of New Sciences reading committee is composed of voluntary reviewers who are members of the international scientific community and specialised in all fields linked to rural development and sustainable environment management in other countries.

The scientific editors sign a charter, which specifies their commitment with regard to the evaluation of the Journal of New Sciences manuscripts submitted to them. They are invited to help by providing useful advice and proofreading the modified version, if necessary.

In order to avoid any conflict of interest, the authors remain anonymous to the reviewers.

Publishing costs

The basic amount paid by authors as a contribution to publishing costs is indicated in the instructions for authors.

In order to avoid any conflicts of interest, the Journal of New Sciences journal does not accept any payments from sponsors, in return for publishing articles, which are of poor quality or not relevant to the fields covered by the journal.

Conflicts of interest

The Journal of New Sciences journal reserves the right to require authors to indicate who sponsored their research, in order to avoid any conflict of interest with regard to the source of funding or affiliation of the author.

The editorial committee ensures that articles are not sent for evaluation to reviewers who helped write them or funded the research.

The authors may mention these organisations in their acknowledgements.

Criticisms, complaints and feedback

The editorial committee considers any criticisms and complaints that it receives.

If authors judge that decisions taken by the reviewers are not justified, they are entitled to contact the arbitration body formed by the journal, which will make the final decision concerning their complaint (see arbitration).

The editorial committee accepts suggestions from scientific editors or third parties, in order to improve the quality of Journal of New Sciences.


In order to ensure confidentiality, the authors remain anonymous to the reviewers.

The reviewers also remain anonymous to the authors.

The Journal of New Sciences journal can only provide information from its database if the relevant parties give their consent.


The editorial committee, which is chaired by the editor in chief, will settle any disputes between readers, the authors and the journal.


Aims and scope

Journal of New Sciences is aimed at readers and authors throughout the world with an interest in agriculture, biotechnology, environment and livestock management to advance and understand problems related to those fields of science.

There are Scientifics in countries throughout the world and the results of their work are scattered and often difficult to access.
This journal promotes the rapid and free accessibility of articles for researchers everywhere.
The result is a worldwide community of researchers, engineers and scientifics who are linked together by their various research interests and their values in promoting benefits to all of humanity.

Open access

All articles published by Journal of New Sciences are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. Further information about open access can be found here.

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Article-processing charges

Journal of New Sciences levies an article-processing charge of €120 for each article accepted for publication payable by the author.

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Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process. For further details, please contact us.

Indexing services

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The full text of all articles is deposited in digital archives around the world to guarantee long-term digital preservation.
Journal of New Sciences has an Global Impact Factor (GIF) of 0.612. Please note that GIF is not Thomson-Reuters IF.

Peer-review policy

Peer-review is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published.
Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for originality, validity and significance to help editors determine whether the manuscript should be published in their journal. You can read more about the peer-review process here.
Journal of New Sciences operates a single-blind peer-review system, where the reviewers are aware of the names and affiliations of the authors, but the reviewer reports provided to authors are anonymous.
The benefit of single-blind peer review is that it is the traditional model of peer review that many reviewers are comfortable with, and it facilitates a dispassionate critique of a manuscript.

Submitted manuscripts will generally be reviewed by two or more experts who will be asked to evaluate whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, whether it duplicates already published work, and whether or not the manuscript is sufficiently clear for publication. The Editors will reach a decision based on these reports and, where necessary, they will consult with members of the Editorial Board.

Editorial policies

All manuscripts submitted to Journal of New Sciences should adhere to JNS's editorial policies.

Citing articles in Journal of New Sciences

Articles in Journal of New Sciences should be cited in the same way as articles in a traditional journal.

Article citations follow this format:
Authors, (year): Title. J New Sci, [volume number (article number)]:[Start Page-End Page].

e.g. DRINE S., GUASMI F., BEN ALI S., TRIKI T., BOUSSORRA F., FERCHICHI A. (2016): Genetic diversity analysis of different barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes from arid and humid regions using ISSR and RAPD markers. J New Sci, 34(2):1930-1939
refers to article 2 from Volume 34 of the journal.

Appeals and complaints

If you wish to appeal a rejection or make a complaint you should, in the first instance, contact the Editor who will provide details of the journal's complaints procedure. For complaints that cannot be resolved with the Editor, the authors should contact the Publisher.

Why publish your article in
Journal of New Sciences

High visibility
Journal of New Sciences open access policy allows maximum visibility of articles published in the journal as they are available to a wide, global audience.

Speed of publication
Journal of New Sciences offers a fast publication schedule whilst maintaining rigorous peer review; all articles must be submitted online, and peer review is managed fully electronically. Articles will be published with their final citation after acceptance, in both fully browsable web form (HTML), and as a formatted PDF.

Online publication in Journal of New Sciences gives you the opportunity to publish large datasets, large numbers of color illustrations and moving pictures, to display data in a form that can be read directly by other software packages so as to allow readers to manipulate the data for themselves, and to create all relevant links.

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CC BY 4.0

JNS Editorial Board

You can contact the  Journal of New Sciences  editorial board, at the following email address:  jns@sunblo.com


Dr. SLIM Slim
Associate Professor of Agricultural Higher Education
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

Honorary Editor-in-Chef

for all his contributions and his support of the project

Pr. REKIK Boulbaba
ESA Mateur

Executive Editor

Dr. JAMMALI Bayrem
Associate Professor of Agricultural Higher Education 
ESA Mateur

Editorial Borad

School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Pr. José Luis Araus Ortega
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Pr. HAMMAMI Moncef
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Pr. ALEYA Lotfi
CNRS-University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Laboratoire des Substances Bioactives - Centre de Biotechnologie, Technopole Borj Cédria, Tunisia
Pr. KOMNITSAS Konstantinos
Technical University Crete, Chania, Greece
Pr. SELMI Salah
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mograne, Zaghouan, Tunisia
Pr. SAID Soliman
King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Pr. SAIDI Neila
Centre of Research and Water Technologies, Tunisia

Dr. CIANI Elena
Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro · Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Biotecnologie e Scienze Farmacologiche Italy
Dr. SASSI Khaled
National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT)
Dr. KARMOUS Chahine
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia
National Agronomique Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia
Dr. CHAIEB Nadia
Regional Centre for Research and Agricultural Development of the semi-arid North West in El Kef, Tunisia
Gaziantep university - Turkey
Dr. SLIMI Ahmed
Université Paris - Est Créteil France
Dr. SLAMA Amor
Science Faculty of Bizerte, Tunisia

Pr. BEN JEDDI Faysal
National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Pr. ARTES Francisco
Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
Pr. NAJAR Taha
National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Pr. BEN REBAH Faouzi
Institut national de la recherche scientifique Quebec, Canada
Pr. BEN GARA Abderrahmen
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Tunisia
Pr. HEDI Daghari
Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, University of Carthage, Tunisia
University of Bordj Bou Arreridj - Algeria
Pr. WAHEB Mohamed Ali
The Water Research and Technology Centre of Borj-Cedra (CERTE), Tunisia
Dr. Perla Gomez Di Marco
Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV) - Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Spain
Dr. HANANA Mohsen
Laboratory of Molecular Plant Physiology, CBBC, Tunisia
Dr. DHANE Sana
School of Higher Education in Agriculture of Mateur, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Dr. Balgis Osman Elasha
African Developpement Bank (AfDB)
Dr. M'HAMDI Naceur
Department of Animal Sciences, National Institue of Agronomy of Tunis - Tunisia
National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia
Biotechnology Center of Borj Cedria, Tunisia



Pr. KHALDI Raoudha
National Institute of the Agricultural Research of Tunisia (INRAT)

Laboratory of Phytopathology, National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia


Associate Professor
Laboratory of Genetics and Improvement of Cereals National Agronomique Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia

Dr. HAMMAMI Moncef
Associate professor
School of Higher Education in Agricultural of Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

Dr. LABIDI Sonia
Associate Professor
Laboratory for Horticultural Science - National Agronomique Institute of Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia

Dr. BRAHMI Aziza
Associate professor
Sustainability Laboratory for Production Systems in the North West Region. Higher School of Agriculture of Kef

Dr. GHRAB Mohamed
Associate Professor
Olive Institute, Tunisia

Dr. MILI Sami
Associate Professor
Higher Institute of fisheries and Aquaculture, Bizerte (ISPAB), Tunisia

Associate Professor
ICARDA, Tunisia

Associate Professor
Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott-Mariem, Tunisia

Dr. CALVAYRAC Christophe
Maître de Conférences
Laboratoire BAE (EA 4218), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia – France

Associate professor
Laboratoire d’Horticulture, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie (INRAT)

Maitre de conférences A
Fac SNV - Université de BBA – Algeria

Dr. SAADAOUI Ezzeddine

INRAT - FAO Consultant Tunis

Faculty of sciences of Tunis

Dr. BEN KHALED Abdennaceur
Institut des regions arides Medenine
Laboratoire d'aridoculture et des cultures oasiennes

Dr. GAAD Djouher
Biotechnology and Agriculture Division
Center of Biotechnology, Constantine, Algeria

Dr. AYED Sourour
Pôle Régional de Recherche Développement Agricoles du Nord Ouest Semi Aride-Kef, Tunisia

Département de biologie
Faculté des sciences de Tunis

Dr. SELMI Houcine
Institut Sylvo-Pastoral de Tabarka

Dr. SKHIRI Ahmed
École Supérieure des Ingénieurs de l'Équipement Rural
Département Hydraulique, Medjez El Bab, Tunisie

National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT)

Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte-Tunisie
Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie Cellulaires

Dr Raja Beji Serairi
Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Santé de Tunis
Laboratoire des Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales (LPAM)
Université Tunis-El Manar

Dr Hammadi ACHOUR, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, ISPT, Tunisia

Dr. Leila Ben Haj Said
ESA Mateur

Dr. Hani Shaaban Mahmoud Abd-Elmontaleb
Dapartment of dairy science and technology
Faculty of agriculture
Fayoum university

National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water and Forests (INRGREF)

Ing. BENNANI Sahar
Bread Wheat Breeder
Plant breeding and Conservation of Phytogenetic Resources Department
INRA, Morocco

National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of the Sea
(INSTM), Tunisia

Laboratoire de recherches en sciences horticoles INAT

Département génie de l’environnement, Faculté des sciences et technologie – Université de Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria

Associate Professor
Laboratory of Bioactive Substances Biotechnology Centre, Technopole Borj Cedria Hammam-Lif, Tunisia

Dr. CHERIF Mejda
Associate Professor
National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT)

Associate Professor
Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Meriem, Sousse, Tunisia

Dr. TIBAOUI Gouider
Associate professor
School of Higher Education in Agricultural of Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

Associate Professor
Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott Meriem, Sousse, Tunisia

Associate Professor
School of Higher Education in Agricultural of Mateur, Bizerte, Tunisia

Dr. ELBAZ Mounira
Associate Professor
Centre Régional des Recherches en Horticulture et Agriculture Biologique Chott Meriem, sousse, Tunisia

Associate Professor
l’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunis (INRAT)

Dr. LABIDI Walid
CRA Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia

Dr. JEMNI Monia
Assistant de l’enseignement supérieur agricole
Laboratoire: Technologies de dattes, Centre Régional de Recherche en Agriculture Oasienne Degueche, Tozeur – Tunisia

Dr. YAHIA Yassine
Institut des Régions Arides (IRA) Médenine - Tunisia

Dr. NAGAZ Kamel
Institut des Régions Arides, Médenine - Tunisia

Associate professor
School of Higher Education in Agricultural of Mateur, Bizerte

Dr. DIAFET Abdelouahab
Département de Biologie
Faculté SNV- TU- Université de Bordj Bou Arreridj (34000)- Algérie

Dr. Mohammed HAMMAMI
ESA Mateur

Dr. Jacques G. Fuchs
Ing. agr. ETHZ
Departement crop protection and biodiversityResearch Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland

Dr. AYEDI Mohamed
Institut L'olivier
Sfax, Tunisia

Dr. NAMSI Ahmed
Plant Pathologist Researcher
Regional Research Center in Oasis Agriculture

Unité de Physiologie et Biochimie de la Réponse des Plantes aux Contraintes Abiotiques
University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia.

Institut Sylvo-Pastoral de Tabarka

Université de Carthage, INSAT (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et de Technologie), Tunisia

Dr. BOURGOU Soumaya
Centre de Biotechnologie, Technopole Borj Cédria
Laboratoire des Plantes Extrêmophiles

National Institute of Agronomic Research of Tunisia

Dr. Azza Chelli Chaabouni
National Institute of Agronomic Research of Tunisia

Dr. Meriem Chabbouh

Pr. Mokhtar mehouachi
Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture du Kef

Dr. DJINET Ignassou Alain
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Bongor-Tchad

Dr. GHNAYA Taher
Biotechnology Center of Borj Cedria, Tunisia

Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Beja, Tunisia

Pr. José Enrique García Raso
University of Málaga, Spain



Journal of New Sciences

JNS is a Sunblo Learning Center company product registered under E-ISSN 2286-5314.

The JNS project is carefully maintained by SUNBLO L.C (for the technical and procedural aspects), the Editorial Board and the JNS community (for the scientific aspect and the quality of the content)


JNS Community

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Online Submission


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The manuscript must be accompanied with a cover letter containing the article title, the first name and last name of all the authors, and a list of two suggested, international reviewers (title, name, Email address).
Email messages with attachments and unknown subject lines are not opened in view of virus risks.

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