E-ISSN 2286-5314 - Impacted & Indexed Journal
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Etude de quelques critères adaptatifs de Stipa lagascae vis-à-vis du déficit hydrique
Response of olive (Olea europaea) seedlings to in vitro water stress induced by polyethylene glycol
Artificial regeneration of cork oak and zeen oak: effects of mulching and tree shelters on establishment and seedlings growth
Carbon isotope discrimination and gas exchange parameters impairment under drought conditions in five barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes
Effect of different levels of water salinity on the morpho-physiological behavior of Cassar clementine grafted on three rootstocks.
Effect of feeding restriction on rabbit growth, performances and health
Effect of irrigation with olive-mill waste-water on physiological and biochemical parameters as well as heavy-metal accumulation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Effect of soybean meal enriched diet on growth, body fatty acid composition and crude protein of Mugil cephalus fry
Effects of irrigation with urban treated wastewater on the morpho-physiology, accumulation of heavy metals and biochemical traits of Casuarina glauca Sieb
Effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) feed concentrate supplement on growth performances and microbial activity in the rumen of “Queue Fine de l’Ouest” lambs
Effects of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) feed supplement on growth performances in "Queue Fine de l’Ouest" lambs
Effet du mode de semis et de la rotation culturale sur les paramètres de croissance et les composantes de rendement du blé dur (Triticum durum Desf.) variété « Karim »
Effets de l’application foliaire d’un extrait liquide d’algue marine (EnteromorophaintestinalisLinnaeus Link.) sur la croissance végétative et la physiologie des jeunes plantes de tomate cultivées sous stress salin
Estimation des paramètres génétiques du poids à 90 jours de la race ovine Barbarine par une approche Bayésienne
Estimation of direct and maternal variance components of lamb weights at 90 days
Estimation of Genetic Parameters and Adjustment Factors for Growth Characters of Barbarine High Lambs in Low Input Production Systems
Etude de la tolérance à la salinité chez une plante condimentaire : le carvi (Carumcarvi L.)
Genetic Progress Evaluation of Growth Traits of Barbarine Lambs Raised in State and Private Flocks in Tunisia
Performance and morphobiometric characterization of local chicken populations in the mountainous area of northwestern of Tunisia
Phospholipid Alterations in Pseudomonas swarmer cells from inoculums at different stages of growth
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