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Assessment of the potential of two local composts for seeds germination and vegetable production







1Arid Lands and Oasiann Cropping Laboratory. Institute of Arid Regions. Medenine. Tunisia.

2 Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente Catania University. Catania. Italy.

3 Rurual laboratory, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia


Abstract - Composting is becoming an environmental technique of producing promising organic substrates. In this framework, two local Tunisian composts; compost of date palms (CP) and this of green wastes (CW) were compared to peat and perlite respectively concerning germination and plant growth’s attitudes. Two germination experiences of direct sowing and use of compost’s water extract applied on muskmelon, tomato and barley seeds suggest that the two composts, namely this of green wastes, can serve as potting media without risks of toxicity. Indeed, they permit the germination of seeds in a rate statistically similar to this of peat even a delay in the process’s stimulation which it is reduced with time. Moreover, with a concentration of 100 % compost’s extract, the germination index overlaps 50 % that represents the limit of toxicity.

Regarding plant growth’s performance, the two composts have permitted the greatest foliar expansion, accumulation of the dry matter yet lower SLA reflecting their thickness.


Keywords: Compost, stability, maturity, germination, plant growth



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Comparaison des composés phénoliques et du pouvoir antioxydant de la plante de henné (Lawsonia inermis L.)

H. Enneb 1*

A. Belkadhi 2

F. Cheour

A. Ferchichi 1


1 Laboratoire d’Aridoculture et Cultures Oasiennes, Institut des Régions Arides, Médenine, Tunisie.

2 Unité de Recherche de Physiologie et Biochimie de la tolérance des plantes aux contraintes abiotiques, FST, Université Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisie

3 Institut supérieur de biologie appliquée, Médenine, Tunisie


Abstract - A study was undertaken to enrich previous works focsued on the characterization of Lawsonia inermis and their valuation in medicine and cosmetology. Total phenolic content, concentration of flavonoids, tanins and antioxidant activity from different organs (Leaves, stems and roots) of henna plant were determined using spectrophotometric methods. The obtained results revealed that the highest total phenols was extracted from leaves (32.03±2.07 mg EAG/g MS) and stems (20.61±1.71mg GAE/g MS) while the lowest values were registred by the roots (13.82±1.65mg GAE/gMS). Total flavonoides accumulated mainly in the leaves (20.5± 1.4mg QE /g MS) and roots (18.4 ± 1.4 mg QE /g MS) whereas total tannin acumulated primarly in the leaves (17.93±0.67mg EC /g MS) with less quantity in the roots (5.32mg EC /g MS±1.06). The tested methanolic extracts revealed a highest antioxidant power against the DPPH where the highest value was recorded in the leaves extract of L.inermis (IC50 = 25.73 μg/ml).


Keywords : Lawsonia inermis / polyphenols / flavonoïdes/ tanins / antioxidant activity

Résumé - Ce travail de recherche a été entrepris en vue d’enrichir les travaux de caractérisation de la plante de henné (Lawsonia inermis) et de leur valorisation en médecine et en cosmétologie, en se basant sur ses molécules bioactives et son pouvoir antioxydant pour les différents organes (feuilles, tiges et racines). Les résultats obtenus montrent que la partie aérienne de la plante (feuilles et tiges) est caractérisée par la teneur la plus élevée en polyphénols (32.03±2.07 mg EAG/g MS) pour les feuilles et (20.61±1.71mg GAE/g MS) pour les tiges tandis que les quantités les plus basses se trouve au niveau de la partie sous-terraine (13.82±1.65 mg GAE/g MS). Les feuilles (20.5± 1.4 mg QE /g MS) et les racines (18.4±1.4 mg QE /g MS) sont caractérisées par des valeurs plus élevés en flavonoïdes que les tiges (14.82±0.39 mg QE /g MS). La plus grande quantité du tanin chez le henné est trouvée au niveau des feuilles (17.93±0.67mg EC /g MS) alors qu’avec des quantités moins importantes dans les tiges et les racines (5.32mg EC /g MS±1.06). En outre, l’évaluation de l’activité antioxydante de L.inermis vis-à-vis de DPPH, a montré que les extraits méthanoliques des différents organes testés exhibent un pouvoir antioxydant intéressant, la plus haute a été enregistrée dans l'extrait de feuilles (IC50 = 25.73 µg/ml).


Mots clés : henné / ployphenols / flavonoïdes / Tanins / activité antioxydante


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Elaboration and characterization of lemon jam

R. Abdelkebir 1

H. Najjaa 1

M. Hajji 2


1 Arid Lands Institut of Medenine, Tunisia,

2 National School of Engineers, Sfax,Tunisia


Abstract - The present work is aiming the transformation of citrus fruits to the elaboration of a jam to basis of whole lemon. The work has focused on the study of the physico-chemical composition, the rheological properties and the microbiological aspect of the product. Thus, it presents richness in soluble sugar and reducer (respectively 24% and 15, 4%), an important content in phenol compounds (542 mg GA/100g) and a wealth in minerals. By against, a low of protein levels (1.27%) and ash (1.28%) has noted. Next to this high value product presented very interesting functional properties (firmness, water retention of power ...), good microbiological stability during the storage period, a positive assessment for tasting and a characteristic color. This product presents an appreciation of sensory quality evaluated by hedonic tests. The result of the work will focus on the improvement on the formulation of the jam.


Keywords: citrus, jam, lemon, physico-chemical characteristics, microbiological stability, sensory quality.


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The aqueous extract effect of six species on the chicory adventitious of the berseem fields in tunisia

S. ROUZ 1*




1 Department of Agricultural Production - Agricultural High School of Mograne, University of Carthage, 1121- Mograne- Zaghouan-Tunisia

2 Tunisian National Institute of Agronomy, University of Carthage, 43 Avenue Charles Nicolle 1082 Tunis-Mahrajène-Tunisia


Abstract - The effect of the aqueous extracts of the aerial parts of Ziziphus spina-christi (L). Desf., Juglans regia L., Lavandula stoechas L., Artemisia herba-alba Asso., Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Cenchrus ciliaris L. with seven different concentrations (0; 2.5; 3.75; 5.6; 6.5; 7.5 and 12.5 %) on the germination and growth of chicory (Cichorium pumilum Jacq.) and berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) were evaluated. The results showed that the reduction of the germination percentage and growth of chicory depends on the interaction between species and concentration level. The highest germination and growth ability are obtained with control treatment and decreases as the concentration level increases. Seedling rate of chicory was more sensitive to the J. regia, A. herba-alba, Z; spina-christi and L. stoechas aqueous extracts with an inhibition rate that exceeded 80% in 125 g/l, while the inhibition rate of berseem did not exceed 38 % when using walnut. In this paper, we proved that these medicinal and aromatic species are efficient biological methods for the control of chicory in berseem fields. A C. ciliaris inhibits the germination rate of chicory (51%) at high concentration levels without affecting negatively on the berseem seed (8%). This allelopathic crop could have a fundamental role in developing sustainable agriculture by reducing the chicory seed stock in the soil.


Keywords: Chicory, Berseem, Allelopathy, Seed germination, Medicinal and aromatic plants, Sustainable agriculture


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Genetic Variation of Response to irrigation system of three durum wheat varieties (Triticum durum Desf.) cultivated in Sidi Bouzid (Tunisia)

S. Arraouadi 1*

R. Nasraoui 2

W. Gharbi 2

M.H. Sellami 1


1 Regional Center of Agricultures Research of Sidi Bouzid

2 National Institute of Field Corps


Abstract - The interest of irrigation for the most important widely grown cereal crops in the world, durum wheat, is often questionable essentially in semi-arid climate region like SidiBouzid. In fact, adequate water service is essential for growth and vegetative development of field crop. If rains are insufficient in these regions, irrigation will be necessary to cover field crop needs water. However, farmers can’t develop an irrigation strategy which meets these needs while preserving water. In addition, varieties choice which meets edaphoclimatic conditions of this region is not well studied and remains traditional. Our aims is to analyze the genetic variation between khiar, Razzek and Maali durum wheat varieties while evaluating the more adequate method of irrigation into three such as furrow, flood and drip. Our results show that for the same volume of water (400 m3), the studied varieties have shown the largest grain yields in furrow than in flood irrigation. In addition, these varieties grown with drip irrigation, which uses less water (216 m3), show grain yields values near from those obtained with flood irrigation. Furthermore, variation observed for this culture seems influenced by irrigation system (IS) effect which is significantly shown on ears number and plant height, and variety (V) effect revealed on its total dry matter and ears weight. This variance can also be explained by the effect of interaction between the irrigation systems and variety (IS X V) that manifest significantly on yield parameters and water use efficiency (WUE).General classification of studied varieties grown on different irrigation system shows that Khiar irrigated with furrow is characterized by important grain yield and large straw.


Key words: durum wheat, semi-arid climate, flood, furrow, drip, grain yield.


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Étude qualitative et quantitative de la production du blé dur (Triticum durum Desf.) conduit sous différentes modalités de fractionnement de nitrate d’ammonium

M. Melki 1*

S. Samaali 1

M. Mechri 1,2

W. Saidi 1,3


1 Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture du Kef

2 Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie

3 Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Mariem


Abstract - Research trials were conducted at Kef School of Agriculture to investigate the effects of different methods of splitting 75 units of nitrogen fertilizer per hectare, usually used in Tunisian semi arid regions, on yield, grain and straw quality of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf) to establish regional references for reasoning nitrogen fertilization of durum wheat. Three split nitrogen fertilizations with check treatment were tested on a local variety (Maali) using field randomized complete blocks design. Plant height, top growth biomass at maturity, grain and yield components, grain and straw protein contents and grains amino acids were measured. Results indicated highly significant effects of nitrogen fertilization on all investigated parameters. It showed that a single application of 75 units of nitrogen fertilizer is less efficient compared to applied split amounts of nitrogen fertilizer. The application of 75 units of nitrogen fertilizer split into three equal amounts (T2); at germination, tilliring and jointing of Maali wheat variety, improved grain yield/hectare and grain and straw protein contents compared to other treatments. Split into two equal amounts applied at germination and tilliring growth stages (T1), it improved straw yield and 1000 grains weight but significantly reduced grain yield compared to T2 treatment. This study also indicated that the check treatment T0 amino acids of grain proteins were higher than wheat grains from plots which received split nitrogen fertilization.


Keywords: Durum wheat, nitrogen fertilization, split application, yield, quality.


Résumé - Ce travail conduit à l’Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture du Kef se propose d’étudier les effets de différentes modalités de fractionnement d’une dose de 75 unités d’azote par hectare, habituellement utilisée dans les régions semi-arides tunisiennes, sur la production et la qualité du grain et de la paille du blé dur (Triticum durum Desf) afin d'établir des références régionales en matière de raisonnement de la fertilisation azotée du blé dur. Trois modes de fractionnement et un témoin ont été testés sur une variété locale (Maali) selon un modèle expérimental en blocs aléatoires complets. La hauteur de la plante, la biomasse aérienne à la récolte, le rendement en grains et ces composantes, la teneur en protéines des grains et de la paille ainsi que la teneur en acides aminés des protéines des grains ont été déterminés. Les résultats obtenus ont montré des effets hautement significatifs sur l’ensemble des paramètres étudiés. Cette étude confirme qu’une dose de 75 unités d’azote, appliquée en une seule fois est moins efficace que celle fractionnée. L’apport de la même dose d’azote en trois fractions (T2) réparties équitablement entre la levée, le tallage et la montaison améliore à la fois la teneur en protéines des grains et de la paille ainsi que le rendement par hectare comparativement aux autres traitements. Le fractionnement de la cette dose d’azote entre la levée et le tallage (T1) améliore le rendement en paille et le poids de milles grains mais diminue significativement le rendement en grains par rapport à T2.

Cette étude a montré aussi que les teneurs en acides aminés des protéines des grains chez le témoin (T0) sont supérieures à celles des acides aminés des grains issus des parcelles qui ont reçu une fertilisation azotée.


Mots clés : Blé dur, fertilisation azotée, fractionnement, Rendement, Qualité.


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Contribution à l’industrialisation par l’amélioration du processus traditionnel de fabrication de la boisson locale à base de datte « Rob »






1 INATAA, université Mentouri de Constantine, Algérie

2 Département d'agronomie, faculté science exacte et science de la nature et de la vie, université Mouhamed Khider Biskra, Algérie

3 Laboratoire de Nutrition et de Technologie Alimentaire (LNTA), INATAA, Université Mentouri de Constantine, , Algérie


Abstract - Algeria is a country traditionally large producer of dates. Production date in summer of 9.5 million quintals. in 2013 (MADR, 2014). The genetic diversity of date palm in Algeria is very important, a thousandvarieties. Domestic consumption in dates remains low:5 kg/capita/year excluding regions oases and 30-40 kg per capita in the areas of production (MADR, 2008).There is a knowledge and traditional know-how inprocessing of dates in various food products (Rob,vinegar, R’ouina...) ,but it remains closed at the level of households. The objective of this work is the description of an artisan product made from dates «Rob» through a physico-chemical analysis: pH (4.24 ±0.12), titratable acidity (3.25 ± 0.34 g / 100 g), density(1.38 ± 0.01 g/cm3), soluble solids (TSS) (74.62 ± 3.01Brix), dry matter and water content (24.71 ± 1.11%),content in total ash (2.02 ± 0.41%), sugars reducers :(20.49 ± 5.66%), thus to describe its method of manufacturing through a survey of transversal descriptive type with 30 artisans.


Keywords: dates, inprocessing, Rob, description, method, survey.

Résumé - L’Algérie est un pays traditionnellement grand producteur de dattes. La production dattière à été de 9.5 millions de quintaux en 2013 (MADR, 2014). La diversité génétique du palmier dattier en Algérie est très importante, un millier de variétés. La consommation nationale en dattes reste faible : 5 kg/habitant/an hors régions oasiennes et 30-40 kg/habitant dans les zones de production (MADR, 2008). Il existe par contre un savoir et un savoir-faire traditionnel en matière de transformation des dattes en divers produits alimentaires (Rob, vinaigre, R’ouina…), mais cela reste renfermé au niveau des ménages. L’objectif de ce travail consiste à la description d’un produit artisanal à base de datte « Rob » par le biais d’une analyse physicochimique : pH (4,24 ± 0,12), Acidité titrable (3,25 ± 0,34 g/100g), Densité (1,38 ± 0,01 g/cm3), Taux de solides solubles (TSS) (74,62 ± 3,01 Brix), Matière sèche et teneur en eau (24,71 ± 1,11 %) ,Teneur en cendres totales (2,02 ± 0,41 %), Sucres réducteurs :( 20,49 ± 5,66 %), ainsi à décrire son procédé de fabrication par le biais d’une enquête de type descriptif transversal auprès de 30 artisans.


Mots clés : Dattes, transformation, Rob, description, procédé, enquête.


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