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A new approach to formulate an innovative cream pudding with flaxseed-based beverage



University of Carthage, National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia, UR17AGR01, Research Unit PATIO, Valorization of Tunisian Natural Resources and Food Heritage through Innovation, 1082, Tunis Mahrajène, Tunisia.

Abstract – The aim of this study was to enhance the added value of flaxseed through double innovative aspects of its use and its introduction into the consumption of Tunisian consumers. The first part of this work was based on a survey of a consumer group of 306 persons in order to investigate the perception and acceptance of Tunisian consumers with regard to new uses of flaxseed in their diet. Secondly, two extraction protocols have been tested to obtain a vegetable beverage from flaxseeds. The physicochemical composition (dry matter, ash and protein contents), as well as pH, color parameters (L*a*b*) and extraction yield of both flaxseed beverages were determined. The richest beverage, in terms of dry matter, ash and protein contents, was used to formulate a cream pudding. The innovative cream with flaxseed-based beverage was assessed through its physicochemical characteristics (dry matter, ash and protein contents, and aw) and its sensory evaluation. The results showed that such a new approach to formulate an innovative cream pudding with flaxseed-based beverage was a viable alternative and that consumers were aware of the fact that flaxseeds and its food derivatives are a source of healthy nutrients. The cream pudding has an interesting nutritional composition and was sensory acceptable with no major organoleptic impairment.

Keywords: vegetable extract, innovation, formulation, quality, consumer

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Phospholipid Alterations in Pseudomonas swarmer cells from inoculums at different stages of growth







1Laboratoire de Traitement et Valorisation de Rejets Hydriques, Centre des Recherches et des Technologies des Eaux (CERTE), Technopole Borj Cédria, BP 273- Soliman 8020. Université de Carthage. Tel: 216 79 325 199 Fax: 216 79 325 802.

2Unité de Biochimie des Lipides et interaction des macromolécules en Biologie, 03/UR/0902. Laboratoire de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire, Faculté des Sciences de Bizerte, Zarzouna. ; Université de Carthage. 7021. Tel: 216 72 591845. Fax: 216 72 590566.

3Laboratoire de biochimie, Hôpital La Rabta, Tunis, Tunisia


Abstract –Depending on the age of the inoculums for swarming, Pseudomonas aeruginosa undergoes a multicellular behavior called swarming which seems to be closely related to the age of the inoculums and therefore to the fatty acid profile of the membrane of swarmer cells.

This study was conducted to investigate the role of fatty acids in regulation of swarming motility in Ps.aeruginosa.

- We identified the fatty acid composition in swarmer cells of Ps. aeruginosa, from inoculums at different stages of growth. Preculture of four inoculums were stopped at different times corresponding to the point of log, exponential, early stationary and late stationary phases. Then, these inoculums were used for swarming assay. In parallel, we analyzed the membrane composition of swarmer cells, scarped from the edge of the swarm zone, to investigate the possible role of fatty acids in regulation of swarming in Ps. aeruginosa.

- Here, we report that it is possible that endogenously fatty acids can be released from phospholipids of the membrane and could act as intracellular signals to regulate swarming in Ps. aeruginosa.

- Together, these data suggest an hypothetic correlation between physical state of the membrane lipid bilayer and swarming phenotype of Ps. aeruginosa.

Keywords: Phospholipids, Malondialdehyde, Ps. aeruginosa, swarming, growth

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Multicriteria assessment and prioritization of rainwater harvesting techniques in Southeast Tunisia




1 National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia, University of Carthage Tunisia

2 Higher School of Agriculture of Mograne, Zaghouan, University of Carthage Tunisia

3Institute of Arid Regions, Medenine, Tunisia


Abstract – In arid area, rainfed agriculture is one of the most vulnerable system to climate change. Stabilizing smallholder crop yields under changing climatic conditions will require adaptation of strategies focused on soil and water management. In Oum Zessar watershed (South-East Tunisia), Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) techniques is one of the adaptation strategies that has been adopted by farmers. At the scale of this watershed, we aimed to identify the current and potential RWH techniques. Then, to analyze the socio-economic and ecological determinants of their adoption by farmer’s and finally to evaluate and prioritize these techniques. Our approach was based on a comprehensive multi-criteria analysis method performed on data gathered with the help of a socio-economic surveys. Results show that age, gender, importance of the technology, education level, residence, household size, agricultural activity, exploitation size, farmer’s income, structure cost, slope and erosion are the most socio-economic and ecological determinants of adoption of RWH techniques. Furthermore, the study found that in the three watershed compartments (upstream, middle stream and downstream), Tabias, Mejels and Fesguias are the top priority RWH techniques. In contrary, buried stone pockets are suitable in the upstream and downstream compartments and mountain spillways are appropriate at middle stream areas.

Keywords: Rainfed agriculture, RWH techniques, multicriteria analysis, determinants of adoption, assessment and prioritization.

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Modelling by Hydrus-1D of Salt Dynamics and Feasibility of Water Blending





INBTP, 21, Avenue de la montagne, Ngaliema, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

2Agronomic National Institute of Tunisia, 43 Avenue Charles Nicole, 1082, Tunis, Green-team laboratory, University of Carthage, Tunisia

3Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya


Abstract – Water blending is one of the most common strategies to improve the overall water supply and water quality.

The Hydrus-1D model has been applied in the following treatments:

- Full blending between saline water (1 g/l or 3 g/l or 5 g/l) and distilled water before water supply,

- An alternating supply between saline water (1 g/l or 3 g/l or 5 g/l) and distilled water with the same proportions (50% of saline water and 50% of distilled water), i.e. every day (T50-50), either day by day (T1d-1d), or two days by two days (T2d-2d).


The same daily amount of blended water was supplied in all cases. Two time-cycle in modelling were considered, the first 48 hours of crops cycle and a complete crop season wish is about 90 days. Based on Hydrus-1D modelling, the interval between the desalinated water and saline water intake must be reduced. The longer the interval between salt water inflow and freshwater inflow, the higher the observed salinity peak is. The highest salinity was observed successively in the cases of T2d-2d, followed by T1d-1d and then by T50-50. Full blending leads to the lowest salinity, it is the recommended treatment. These results are in concordance with field trials. Saline water and desalinated water blending is less profitable than fresh water in the case of moderately saline-sensitive crops such lettuce due to high desalinated water cost.

Keywords: water blending feasibility, irrigation scheduling with blended water, Hydrus 1-D, soil profiles salinities

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