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Study of the growth and development of Acacia Cyanophylla on different substrates from municipal solid waste.

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Étude de la croissance et du développement d'Acacia Cyanophylla sur différents substrats provenant de déchets solides municipaux








1 Faculty of Science of Bizerte, Jarzouna (Bizerte) 7021

2 Sylvo-Pastoral Institute of Tabarka, Jendouba University. BP. n ° 345, 8110 Tabarka (Jendouba), Tunisia

Abstract - Our work aims at the application of several biological and chemical parameters in order to determine the impact of variation in the levels of heavy metals and mineral elements in the soil for the growth of a forest plant Acacia cyanophylla since plants are good indicators of environmental pollution. We studied the impact of heavy metals on the germination and growth of Acacia cyanophylla cultivated in the soil of the three-controlled municipal solid waste of the Northwest of Tunisia and compared with plants of the same species cultivated in non-contaminated soil and soil receiving a mixing of a contaminated soil and a nursery soil. Morphological Parameters (stem height, root length, leaf area, the ratio of the stem / root and biomass) was measured. In the different substrates used, the morphological parameters vary significantly for the different criteria studied. 

Keywords: municipal solid waste, heavy metals, morphological parameters, forest.



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