- Category: Volume spécial (Conférence CSIEA 2017)
- Hits: 10847
Reproductive performance of Ouled Djellal ewes in an arid area of Algeria

Performances de reproduction des brebis OuledDjellal dans une zone aride de l’Algérie
1 LaboratoireDEDSPAZA, université Mohamed Khider Biskra, ALGERIE 2 Laboratoire ESPA université El hadj Lakhdar Batna, ALGERIE
Abstract – Sheep farming in arid and semi-arid regions of Algeria faces large fluctuations in the availability of fodder. This deficiency is particularly burdensome for pregnant ewes whose needs are the maximum and is a major constraint to the development of this sector. The objective of our study is to conclude the influence of these difficult conditions on the reproductive status. Three hundred Ouled Djellal ewes, clinically healthy, multiparous and primiparous, aged 2 to 6 years, having an average body condition score of 2.5 ± 0.5, was chosen for each season (wet and dry), to assess the influence of soil and climate conditions on the main reproductive parameters. The results of changes in reproductive performance according to the wrestling season indicate a significant increase (p <0.05) levels of prolificacy, fertility, fecundity and digital productivity, in wet season compared to the dry season. With the respective values of (162 vs.147), (77 vs.68), (1.25 vs.1.10), (1.30 vs.1.17). The average age at first calving is 16 months. The average interval between lambing has an average of 10 months and the average interval lambing-projection is 3.2 ± 1 months. These two parameters are not significantly affected by the wrestling season. The analysis of data on reproductive performance clearly shows that Ouled Djellal sheep adapts well to the difficult conditions of the arid environment.
Keywords: arid area, reproductive performance, wrestling season, Ouled Djellal ewe.