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A comparative study between molecular and agro-morphological methods for describing genetic relationships in Tunisian faba bean populations.

A. OUJI1,6*

S. El-BO 2








1Regional Research Development Office of Agriculture in Semi Arid North West of Kef, 7100 Kef, Tunisia

2Laboratory of Biodiversity, Climate Change and Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, Tunis El Manar University, 2092 Tunis, Tunisia.

3 School of Human and Life Sciences, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury CT1 1QU, United Kingdom.

4 Plant Research Unit, University of Dundee at SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD25DA, United Kingdom.

5Biotechnology and Physiology Laboratory, National Institute for Agricultural Research of Tunisia, Ariana, Tunisia

6 Field Crop’s Laboratory, National Institute for Agricultural Research of Tunisia, Ariana, Tunisia


Abstract - This study aimed to compare the genetic diversity of nine Tunisian faba bean populations by using 27 agro-morphological traits and sequence-specific amplification polymorphism (SSAP) markers. Results showed that faba bean populations exhibited a significant amount of variation for their agro-morphological studied parameters. Different populations were assigned into three groups based mainly on seed size. Furthermore, genetic variability among populations using SSAP markers showed that the average percentage of polymorphic loci for all population was 49.5% and the average Shannon’s diversity index was 0.21. The relationships between agro-morphological traits variation and SSAP markers variation were estimated using Mantel test. Experimental results showed low correlation between them (r=0.08). Therefore, these two techniques reveal different aspects of the diversity of faba bean, demonstrating that agro-morphological characters are not good markers for overall genetic variation and SSAP markers cannot resolve plant groups defined by visible traits.


 Keywords: Vicia faba, populations, SSAP, genetic diversity, correlation, Mantel test.


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Etude de la sensibilité variétale de quelques plans d’olivier du sud Tunisien vis-à-vis la maladie de dépérissement causé par des champignons telluriques

A. Bouzoumita1*

A. Rhouma²

K. Belhouchette1

A. Ferchichi1


1 Laboratoire Arido-Cultures et Cultures Oasiennes. Institut des Régions Arides. 4119 Médenine, Tunisie.

2 Institut d’olivier Tunis, Faculté de science Tunis el Manar, Tunisie


Abstract - Chemlali, Oueslati, Chetoui and Koroneiki Tunisian olive varieties are the most cultivated in Tunisia. It occupies a large area of the olive oil. Unfortunately, it proved susceptible to susceptible to dieback disease caused by pathogenic fungi. A continuum of the degree of pathogenicity was observed from the most aggressive to least aggressive. The varieties from the southern region have shown great different variability in sensitivity and varietal resistance is apparent that the variety Chemlali Jerba is very susceptible to Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia bataticola (60% of the plants show symptoms) followed by Chemlali Sfax Koroneiki. The statistical analysis based on the calculation of the class AUDPC varieties tested in three groups. The first group forms by two very susceptible varieties Chemlali jerba and Chemlali Sfax are very sensitives. The second group consists of the Koroneiki variety classified as sensitive. The third groups is represented by the Chetoui considered moderately susceptible variety, while Oueslati variety is tolerant to the disease.



Keywords: chemlali, chetoui, koroneiki, resistance, sensibility, Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia batatticola, dieback


Résumé - Chemlali, Oueslati, Chetoui et Koreneiki sont des variétés tunisiennes d’olivier les plus cultivées en Tunisie. Elles occupent une grande superficie oléicole. Les variétés issus de la région Sud ont montré une grande variabilité différente de sensibilité et de résistance variétale Il est ressort que la variété Chemlali Jerba est très sensible à Fusarium solani et Rhizoctonia bataticola (60% des plants manifestent les symptômes) suivie par Chemlali Sfax et Koroneiki. L’analyse statistique basée sur le calcul de l’AUDPC classe les variétés testées en trois groupes. Le premier groupe forme par deux variétés très sensibles Chemlali Jerba et Chemlali Sfax très sensibles. Le second groupe est constitué par la variété Koroneiki classée comme sensible. Le troisième regroupe est représenté par la variété Chetoui considéré comme moyennement sensible, alors que la variété Oueslati est tolérante à la maladie.


Mots clés: Chémlali, Chetoui, Koroneiki, sensibilité, résistance, Fusarium solani, Rhizoctonia batatticola, flétrissement vasculaire


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Evaluation of nutritional quality and antioxidant activity of Tunisian date juices (Phoenix dactylifera L.)

H. Mtaoua*

W. Elfalleh

H. Hannachi

B. Lachiheb

L. Yahia

A. Ferchichi


 Institut des Régions Arides de Médenine, Laboratoire d’Aridoculture et Cultures Oasiennes, 4119, Tunisia


Abstract - Renewed interest in the role of vegetable consumption in maintaining and enhancing human health has highlighted the importance of considering the chemical composition of vegetables available to consumers. Juices from sixteen coastal cultivars of Tunisian date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) were analysed for their main chemical composition. This study is a contribution to valorise marginalized date palm cultivars by their transformation into juices. Results show that the yield of juices extraction exceeds 80% for studied cultivars. These juices are rich in reduced sugars (glucose and fructose); moderately acid; and their acidity ranged from 0.084 g L-1 for Ammari juice to 0.198 g L-1 for Bekrari juice. The studied juices are exceptionally rich in potassium (K) having a highest value of 1426.7 mg kg-1 of dry weight (DW) in the juice of the cultivar Mermella. The Na/K ratio was very low for all juices, which gives a nutritional and therapeutic importance for this product. Other minerals were also present with significant concentrations in all juices. Concerning the inhibition percentage of free radicals DPPH, it ranges from 51.11% in Smitti2 juice to 84% in Nefzawi juice.


Keywords: date juice, Physico-chemical characteristics, mineral composition, Antioxidant capacity.


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Physicochemical, microbiological and ecotoxicological characterization of urban sewage sludge destined for agricultural reuse

R.I. Zoghlami1,3*

S. Mokni-Tlili1

H. Hamdi*

M. Naceur Khelil2

N. Ben Aissa3

N. Jedidi1


1 Water Research and Technology Center, University of Carthage, P.O.Box 273, Soliman 8020, Tunisia,, inesrahma.zoghlami@gmail.com, helmi.hamdi@certe.rnrt.tn, mt_sonia@yahoo.fr, Naceur.Jedidi@certe.rnrt.tn

2 National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, P.O.Box 10, Ariana 2080, Tunisia, khelil_mn@yahoo.fr

3 National Institute of Agronomy, 43 Av. Charles Nicolle, 1002 Tunis, Tunisia


Abstract - Sewage sludge characterization is important for an efficient use as an agricultural soil amendment. The present work reports on the outcomes of a preliminary investigation of an urban sewage sludge that has been reused by local farmers as an organic amendment. Polymorphism analysis of isolated bacteria showed the existence of two major phenotypic groups: a group P (non-mycelia bacteria) and a group G (mycelial bacteria), also showing that the 50 isolated strains were more sensitive to copper than to zinc. This sludge was very phytotoxic to lettuce seeds; the effective concentration (EC50) was very low around 0.36%. This may be caused partly by heavy metal contents which were, however, in accordance with French and Tunisian standards or by the high salinity of the sludge which could be an obstacle to its agricultural reuse. On the other hand, C/N ratio was equal to 15 indicating that the nitrogen supplied by this sludge provides good decomposition of the organic matter, which is an important indicator to improve the fertility of agricultural soils.


Keywords: sewage sludge, polymorphism, heavy metals, Phytotoxicity, C/N ratio


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L’impact des nanoparticules ZnO sur les paramètres physiologiques et biochimiques chez le blé dur (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum)







1 Laboratoire d’amélioration génétique des plantes – Faculté Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie Université BADJI Mokhtar –UBM – Annaba -Algérie.

2 Faculté de Sciences de l’ingénieur. Université Mohamed Cherif MESSAADIA–Département de physique -Souk Ahras- -Algérie.

3 Faculté des sciences de la nature et de vie- Université Mohamed Cherif Messaadia Souk Ahras- Algérie.

4 Laboratoire amélioration génétique des plantes -Faculté Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie UBM Annaba- Algérie


Abstract - In this study we were interested in assessing the impact of nanoparticles based on ZnO and their effects on the physiological and biochemical parameters of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. Durum). The impact of ZnO is evaluated in three wheat varieties (Boussallem, Gtadur and Ouarsenis), varieties are represented by V1, V2 and V3 through a range of physiological and biochemical parameters achieved in the laboratory. The selected varieties were exposed to increasing concentrations of ZnO nanoparticles (0.01mg / ml, 0.05mg / ml, 0.1mg / ml, 0.5mg / ml). Preliminary results show that the presence of ZnO-based NPs can have a stimulating effect inhibitor according to the concentration and the effect parameter studied; Thus exposure to low concentrations induced the reduction of levels of chlorophyll (chlo has chlo b), unlike the high concentrations caused the elevation of these levels mainly in the (chlor a). The presence of nanoparticles caused oxidative stress resulting in the accumulation of Lipoperoxydes (MDA) recorded in all studied varieties, following exposure to different concentrations. On the other hand a varietal effect has contributed greatly in the variation of the remaining parameters related to ROS (carotenoids, APX and CAT).


Keywords: Nanoparticles, ZnO, oxidative stress, durum, concentrations, plant species


Résumé - Dans cette étude nous nous sommes intéressés à l’évaluation de l’impact des nanoparticules à base de ZnO et leurs effets sur les paramètres physiologiques et biochimiques du blé dur (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum). L’impact du ZnO est évalué chez trois variétés de blé (Boussallem, Gtadur et Ouarsenis), les variétés sont représentées par V1, V2 et V3 grâce à une gamme de paramètres physiologiques et biochimiques réalisés au laboratoire. Les variétés choisies ont été exposés à des concentrations croissantes des nanoparticules de ZnO (0,01mg/ml, 0,05mg/ml, 0,1mg/ml, 0,5mg/ml). Les résultats préliminaires montrent que la présence des NPs à base de ZnO peuvent exercer un effet stimulant qu’inhibiteur selon l’effet concentration et le paramètre étudié ; Ainsi l’exposition aux faibles concentrations a induit la réduction des teneurs en chlorophylles (chlo a, chlo b), au contraire les fortes concentrations ont provoqué l’élévation de ces mêmes teneurs principalement chez la (chlo a). La présence des nanoparticules a provoqué un stress oxydant se traduisant par l’accumulation d’une Lipoperoxydes (MDA) enregistrée chez toutes les variétés étudiées, suite à l’exposition aux différentes concentrations. D’autre part un effet variétal a beaucoup contribué dans la variation des paramètres restants liés aux ROS (caroténoïdes, APx et CAT).


Mots clés: Nanoparticles, ZnO, oxidative stress, durum, concentrations, plant species


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